How to Tie a Contemporary Ascot

We've already written a Style Guide about the Traditional (Victorian) Ascot, which is really quite easy to tie, but the Contemporary ascot is even easier. The Contemporary ascot is a completely different accessory, not merely a different knot. Where the Traditional ascot is shaped more like an extra-wide double-sided necktie, the Contemporary ascot features a wide end and a narrow end, with the narrow end sporting a fully-stitched loop. You might think that the Contemporary ascot is to the Traditional ascot as the clip-on bowtie is to the self-tie bowtie, and you're not entirely wrong. Unlike the clip-on bowtie, however, the Contemporary ascot includes no clips and can still be worn even in the most formal settings. Like its Traditional cousin, you'll see the Contemporary ascot at black tie galas, on the red carpet, or even tucked inside a casual button-down/blazer combination. Discover the simplicity, versatility, and elegance of the ascot, you'll wonder why you didn't add this your wardrobe a long time ago.
Step 1:
Begin by draping the ascot around your neck, with the ends laying flat on your chest. One side should be longer than they other as shown.
Step 2:
Feed the wide end of the ascot through the loop on the narrow end and draw it up loosely around your neck. It should not be tight like a necktie.
Step 3:
Now take the wide end that you just fed through the loop and pull it up under your chin behind the loop. Remember not to tighten it too much, and let the wide end fall back down your chest so that it covers up the loop.
Step 4:
Straighten and pull the two sides of the ascot wide for an even and tidy look.
Step 5:
Tuck the wide end of the ascot into your vest or shirt, depending on your overall ensemble.
That's really it! Wearing a Contemporary ascot couldn't be easier. Want to shop the look? Check out the Ascot category paired with a long-sleeved dress shirt.